برایان تریسی: چگونه در تجارت موفق شوید
چگونه در تجارت موفق شوید [هدیه رایگان]
سلام سیف!
آیا شما رویای ساخت شغل تان را دارید؟ اگر چنین است، شما باید مهارت های لازم برای موفق شدن را در تجارت یاد بگیرید.
من ۲ هدیه برای شما در نظر گرفتم (در پایین این ایمیل) که کمک خواهد کرد تا به شما بگویم که سریع آغاز
اما اول می خواهم راجع به این که
Hello sayf,
Have you ever dreamt of building your own business? If so, you must learn the necessary skills to be successful in business.
I have created 2 free gifts for you (at the bottom of this email) that will help to tell you jumpstart your own successful business, but first I wanted to tell you about why some businesses succeed and why others fail.
The high road to becoming a self-made millionaire in America is starting and building your own business. But this is not as easy as it sounds. Most businesses started by inexperienced people fail.
Probably the primary reason why people don’t start businesses is because they’re afraid that they’re going to lose their money and for good reason. 99% of businesses started by people lacking business experience fail within the first two or three years.
Why Businesses Fail
And why is that? It’s because they don’t know how to succeed. They haven’t the slightest idea how to make a business successful. They may have an idea for a product or service, but they don’t know all the things that they need to know to run a successful business.
Why Businesses Succeed
However, surprisingly enough, 80% of businesses started by experienced businesspeople succeed. Now why should this be so? The reason is because experienced businesspeople know what to do. They know how to purchase their products and their services. They know how to negotiate with their suppliers. They know how to raise money. They know how to negotiate leases. They know how to sell and to market. They know how to manage their finances. In other words, experience is the key. In order to start your own business and succeed, you have to learn how.
Now, here’s where my free gifts come in…
The first gift is my “Business Strategic Planning Questionnaire.”
The second gift is my new video called “Decide What Business You’re Really In.”
These complimentary gifts will help you to build and maintain your own successful business faster and easier using the tips, strategies and tools I’ve learned over the years.
You must learn the skills you need to be successful. Business success is not a matter of luck. Business success is a matter of application. It’s a matter of ability. It’s a matter of experience and skill and intelligence, and wonderfully enough, you can learn what you need to know to be successful. And you can start by learning through on-the-job training, which is called OJT. Most successful businesspeople become successful because they get all their training by working for someone else.
Get ahead of the pack with my free gifts here.
To building your own successful business,
Brian Tracy
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